Secrets of the Little Blue Box
“The 1971 article about phone hacking that inspired Steve Jobs.”
Secrets of the Little Blue Box
“The 1971 article about phone hacking that inspired Steve Jobs.”
“As the genius CEO of Apple passes, we present 10 definitive profiles.”
Flags at half-mast. One Infinite Loop
Thanks SL! Steve, thank you.
Why Facebook Works for All, Twitter for Some
Great summary of why new users struggle with Twitter. I had exactly these problems when I first started looking into the service. What are all these “@” signs and hashtags? They can make a tweet look like total gibberish. (I’d still argue that hashtags are way overused in average use.)
Steve Jobs Through the Years: Highlights From the D Conference
Great collection of video snippets, with links to the full sessions. It includes one of my favorites, which is Jobs’s discussion of the TV market from D8. Anyone speculating on whether Apple will make a TV and what that TV might look like would do well to start there.
OmniFocus is the best productivity app I’ve ever used.
No Easy Answer on Income-Tax Issue
After two decades of bipartisan tax policy, nearly half of all American households don’t pay federal income taxes. Now, Republican presidential candidates are making a politically challenging case to change that fact.
The values of the Republican Party: fight to the death for low taxes on the rich and high taxes on the poor.
Add Asteroids to any page with JavaScript bookmarklet and blow stuff up
OK, this is just too cool. Erik Rothoff has created a bookmarklet that lets you add Asteroids to any web page and blow stuff up!
The game uses JavaScript and the HTML5
element to render game elements.To install just drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, navigate to the page you would like to destroy, and launch the bookmark. Fun!