History being made. Steve Jobs introducing the original iPhone in 2007. (by UG3Genki)
History being made. Steve Jobs introducing the original iPhone in 2007. (by UG3Genki)
Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones – NEVER BEFORE AIRED 1997 (by dogtownmac)
This version of the famous commercial is narrated by Steve Jobs himself.
Will Smith On Work Ethic & Focus (by PremierMarketConsult)
Louis C.K. on Father’s Day
A little late on this link as Father’s Day was 2 months ago, but a good clip nonetheless.
“Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest” Trailer
My wife emailed me this trailer a few days ago. A Tribe Called Quest is one of a small handful of bands that will forever remind me of the time and place I listened to them the most. For Tribe, it’s I-94 in Michigan at four in the morning. Still true 15 years later. Such strong emotional connections are what makes music so great, and unique among artistic mediums.
The part of the trailer at around 1:08 or so where Q-Tip drops the loop for Can I Kick It? gave me goosebumps. I can’t wait to see this movie.
Everything is a Remix Part 2 (by Kirby Ferguson)
Manhattan in motion (by Mindrelic)
Harlan Ellison & Robin Williams discuss L. Ron Hubbard
If you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, fast forward to about 8:30 where Ellison tells the story of a friend suggesting to L. Ron Hubbard that he start a religion since that’s a more effective way to earn real money.
Pretty amazing demo of Mockdown Alpha Preview 01 by Ben Johnson.