Video hilarity: Windows 7 launched on a MacBook Pro on NBC’s The Today Show
Video hilarity: Windows 7 launched on a MacBook Pro on NBC’s The Today Show
What if iPhone had… “Springboard Exposé” (via oceanobservations)
Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version (via dascottjr)
Controlling a car over the Internet with an iPod Touch.
Objectified: A Documentary Film by Gary Hustwit
“About the trailer: the voices belong to Jonathan Ive, Andrew Blauvelt, Marc Newson, and Karim Rashid. The song is “I Like Van Halen Because My Sister Says They Are Cool” by our friends El Ten Eleven, from their new record These Promises Are Being Videotaped [get it on iTunes]. And the font used in the trailer is… Akzidenz Grotesk! [Shout out to Paula Scher!]
"We’ll be releasing the preliminary screening schedule soon, so subscribe to our newsletter or our RSS feed and we’ll keep you posted.”
Obama Is Right: McCain Was Wrong (via HuffPolitics)
A good montage of Tim Russert doing what he did so well every week on Meet the Press.
Interview with Steve Yegge on Rhino on Rails and more